Clairvoyant Coaching
Clairvoyant Coaching
Through 1 hr clairvoyant coaching, I help you connect with your inner team of guides and healers for your growth and health.
In addition to reading your current situation and your future, I help you heal what’s not working for you. I help you change your present, thus your future. Of course, in a session I can read anything you request. It may include:
Soul’s Plan
Body’s blueprint
Questions you have
Business and Home Clearing
I may also help you change or improve a current situation, prevent a future manifestation that you wish to avoid, help you manifest more rapidly one that you desire or simply ease the challenges that your are going through by:
Connecting with you inner sun (higher self)
Card reading
I accomplish this by invoking the help of my healing master and Akashic record keeper.
I also offer a combination of psychic reading and Active Dreaming™ to empower you to read and heal yourself in the future.