Past-Life Regression Anyone?

Past-Life Regression Anyone?

On 2019-09-29, I’m offering a workshop on time and multiverse travelling. We visit a past-life, also known as a past-life regression. We also visit a life in the future and even a parallel life. This is why I also call this workshop “Become a Time and Multiverse Traveller”.

When we dream, our soul is are free of this body. We’re no longer limited by the consensual hallucinations that we consider to be our waking reality, our world. We can then travel through the multiverse, which includes the many dimensions or frequencies of our inner world and the outer worlds beyond this world. If we constantly perceive some of these other dimensions, frequencies or parallel realities, our circuits may fry, so to speak. On the other hand, we too often shut ourselves from the gifts of information and wisdom available in this greater reality, in the worlds beyond this one. The way of Active Dreaming™ empowers us to access this wisdom of the multiverse and helps us navigate our life with ease and flow. Active Dreaming™ includes:

  • Dream Sharing

  • The Lightning Dream Process

  • Shamanic Dreaming

  • Dream circles and communities

  • Dream Theatre and poetry

Join me to learn some of the Active Dreaming™ skills which we can use to tap into our past, future and parallel selves for the benefit of our current lives.

The Doors of Imagination

The Doors of Imagination

Maître Dream

Maître Dream